Lessons from Dental Meetings Like the ICOI Part 1- Online Dental Practice Reviews

Online Dental Practice Reviews

I’m one of the few consultants that has spent 20 years treating patients first hand. I still go to clinical dental meetings. I still keep up with new dental science and in particular I keep up with the science of implants and how critical it is to have online dental practice reviews, now more than ever.

Recently, I attended the ICOI’s winter symposium in Doral, Florida. Two of the best presentations at the meeting were Dr. Craig Misch’s update on success rates and morbidity of various types of bone grafts and Dr. Lesley David’s presentation on the edentulous maxilla. I returned with a specific clinical recommendation for every member in the All-on-4 Program courtesy of Dr. David.

Craig’s presentation shows with good data how cadaver block grafts coupled with growth factors are likely to become a bigger part of grafting for those situations where grafts are likely and/or warranted.

The truth of the matter is, however, that few patients want to spend time waiting for grafting which is exactly why patients seek out and/or find the All-on-4 procedure so attractive.

Now the biggest lesson from Craig wasn’t even in his presentation but it was in his practice’s website. He has a ton of reviews there talking about his implant services.

Back up in time 2-3 years ago and neither Craig (nor Carl Misch) would have “stooped” to the level of having patients write reviews for their practices because in the past such big name lecturers didn’t need to do that. In many ways, they USED TO BE (notice the tense here!) artificially removed from competitive factors that the rest of us have always had to deal with.

Well, those days are gone. Now when you visit Craig’s site there are tons of reviews and it is a BIG focus of the site.

Here is the moral of the story. No matter who you are and what podium you preach from, market forces now apply to you. Another local dentist with more reviews can surpass a big name podium speaker courtesy of the internet and they can get his cases.

The All-on-4 Program not only provides the advertising (we do it for you or do the direction of it), in person sales process training, and phone sales training but it also deals with practice reviews.

With each passing year dental practice reviews are a very big deal – be it for a GP only or for a practice focusing on a niche service like All-on-4. 95% of those reading this are being artificially held back from having the reviews they deserve because they are missing the technology we have that deals with this.

If you’re ready for a discussion about All-on-4 go here.

If you want to simply deal with your reviews, call our central office at 206-905-1874.

Also check out my top selling book on Niche marketing on Amazon.