Big Case Marketing Blog

With Full-Arch Advertising/Sales, There Are No New Wheels To Invent


I've gone into the long list of reasons why the public wants full arch immediate loading solutions such as All-on-4 / All-on-X for terminal dentitions. We are almost ready to go into dollar amounts required to advertise this procedure effectively but, before we go there, we will cover one final CRITICAL CONCEPT to help you understand the reality of advertising and sales of this service. Concept Review As a reminder, CRITICAL CONCEPT #1 is that there is a minimum entry level budget to open the door to at least 3 arches per month. Three arches per month is where the [...]

With Full-Arch Advertising/Sales, There Are No New Wheels To Invent2023-05-23T12:21:48-04:00

Advertising Realities for Full-Arch Cases: Concept #2 – Best Messages


I've gone into the long list of reasons why the public wants immediate implant procedures such as All-on-4 / All-on-X / etc. There are millions of patients in terminal dentitions and millions who will enter that category during their life and every patient in this category is interested in options. One thing is certain, they do NOT want the dentures they saw their parents suffer with (or not wear at all!). While ortho and cosmetics will always have an audience in dentate patients, we are in a 20-30 year expansion period in the segment of patients not exposed to fluoride [...]

Advertising Realities for Full-Arch Cases: Concept #2 – Best Messages2023-05-23T12:22:27-04:00

Full-Arch Implants: 1 Part Clinical + 1 Part Ads + 2 Parts Sales Process


Want to know the #1 surprise discovery I made in 2001 as it related to advertising and sales of the full arch implant case (this was before All-on-4 / All-on-X)? The surprise was how easily everything amazing that I was up to with getting a solid implant message to the public via advertising could be easily destroyed by some of the nicest, caring, friendly, most personable staff you can imagine. Yes, my staff were literally killing my advertising and cases! My full-arch implant ads would generate dozens and dozens of implant patient phone calls every week but these nice caring [...]

Full-Arch Implants: 1 Part Clinical + 1 Part Ads + 2 Parts Sales Process2023-05-23T12:23:05-04:00

Medicare and Full-Arch Cases: How To Think About This Payment


Not only is the Full Arch Program the #1 antidote to ClearChoice nationally in the US but our U.S. and U.S. territory members have access to a one of a kind, predictable way to advertise for and access a treatment subsidy of up to $13,600 per patient from Medicare Original Part B. While the practice collects their full fee (Medicare Surgical Fees + Patient Out of Pocket for Non-Covered Services). The patient has a 25-50% reduction in their out of pocket expense. It's a implant marketing and case sales advantage that no other specialty implant advertising agency has mastered to [...]

Medicare and Full-Arch Cases: How To Think About This Payment2023-05-23T12:23:48-04:00

Why Nine Months Is the Magic Number…


Month nine in the Full Arch Program is what we call the "momentum" month. It's a magic month, for sure. Things start to fire on all cylinders and doctors "disappear" on me because they are too busy to talk. One of our practices that started 9 months ago recently reported a $200K collection month for their implant cases. World record for this guy AND he has been practicing a long time.  He's tried a bazillion dental marketing companies (not owned or run by dentists who have ever actually practiced). These non-dentist owned companies have typically scr*wed him over and never [...]

Why Nine Months Is the Magic Number…2023-05-23T12:24:26-04:00

Just Say No To Dumb Discounting


FACT: The Full Arch Advertising Program with optional Medicare Medical Oral Surgery billing is the largest independent affiliation of practices delivering the much desired and much needed immediate loading dental implant solution to patients in terminal dentitions. There are many 'fast treatment' protocols and many implants out there be they premium priced or discounted that can WORK with the right case. It's even legal to design and manufacture your very own implant for about $20 per unit but that's another subject.... Can You Save Money On Implants? Sure and many docs are always rushing to cut costs on implant fixtures BUT [...]

Just Say No To Dumb Discounting2023-05-23T12:25:15-04:00

The Best Advertising Mix for AOX Is…


What is the BEST ad mix for finding AOX Cases? A very good question. Ultimately, the ad mix will depend on location as well as goals with case numbers.  If your goal is 3-4 arches per month, your ad 'mix' will be different from someone that wants two arches EVERY week. If you are in a market that is predictable with Medicare billing for medical necessity oral surgery and endosteal implants, this will also affect the mix. The Best Advertising Mix In the majority of markets, Search based Google paid ads are a big component for finding AOX cases. There [...]

The Best Advertising Mix for AOX Is…2023-05-23T12:25:47-04:00

Two Things That Divide Those Who Can From Those Who Do (A Lot)


Is it still possible to treat three to four full-arch implant cases per month or even two arches every week? In most most markets, these goals are still achievable. [We verify all markets before we embark on ANY goal which is a discussion we have on our 1:1 calls with possible new member clients. More on that below.] But there is a divide between those who can and those who do. The Appeal of Quick Treatments Patients still want and need full arch implants. These accelerated treatment methods that allow the patient to avoid a removable denture step over "traditional" implant [...]

Two Things That Divide Those Who Can From Those Who Do (A Lot)2023-05-23T12:26:27-04:00

Self-Assessment: Is It Time for More Full-Arch Implant Cases?


Here is a self-assessment to help you decide if it's time to consider you are ready to pursue more full-arch implant cases by way of laser focused specialty advertising and for using a sales process rivals or exceeds any competitor or the local ClearChoice. Can you competently perform All-on-4 / All-on-X cases now with your last case being within the last 60 days? Do you are use computer guided surgery (e.g. Chrome or similar)?  If yes, give yourself bonus points for adding efficiency and more predictability to your cases. Do at least 9 out of 10 patients say they are happy [...]

Self-Assessment: Is It Time for More Full-Arch Implant Cases?2023-05-23T12:27:01-04:00

How Medicare Dental Implants and Oral Surgery Work In Your State


FACT:  Medicare doesn’t pay for dentistry, but it can and will pay for medically necessary oral surgery and Medicare will pay some fees for dental implants as part of bone reconstruction surgery, which most dental implantologists perform. If you live in one of the following states, you can expect a Medicare oral surgery or a Medicare dental implant claim payment to be paid in 21-30 days for a Medicare Patient with Original Part B with medical necessity. Iowa Kansas Missouri Nebraska Indiana Michigan Kentucky Ohio California Hawaii Nevada Alaska Arizona Idaho Montana ND Oregon SD Utah Washington Wyoming  Arkansas Colorado New [...]

How Medicare Dental Implants and Oral Surgery Work In Your State2023-05-23T12:27:36-04:00
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