When It’s Safe to Assume using Dental Marketing Strategies

dental practice strategies

Using dental marketing strategies and a proven checklist will prevent you from assuming too much and blowing up a case presentation.

Assume – taking that something is going to happen or is the case, without proof.
We assume things all the time in our daily interactions with patients (and staff).  Assuming has a very close cousin named mind reading that usually rides shotgun. How great are any of us in the correctness of our assumptions OR in the talent of mind-reading? Using a dental marketing strategy and proven selling system will prevent that.

If you’re married or have an intimate relationship (or a harem) you are no doubt intimately familiar with the fact that we are all lousy mind readers and yet we all try to do it. Ironically, the longer you’ve been practicing (or the longer you’ve been married), the more likely you are to assume and mind-read.

As a professional service provider, when you make assumptions about your patients or try to read their minds you do them a disservice because A) you’re most likely going to be wrong and B) your assumptions can and will influence their decisions and C) incorrect assumptions that influence decisions can easily cause patients to not do good things for themselves.

I can’t tell you how to stop assuming and mind-reading in your personal relationships BUT I can give you the tools to fix this permanently inside your practice by using proven dental marketing strategies. The fool-proof assumption killer is to follow a check-list that guides the most important selling interactions with patients.  Just like airline pilots easily use check-lists to keep planes from dropping from the sky, you can do the same to keep from crashing your patients’ good decision making abilities.

The only thing truly safe thing to assume is that we are universally bad at it. So…keep assuming or a check-list? You can read more about how to correctly present to patients in my #1 top selling book on Amazon.

The brand New McAnally Selling System is the mother of all check-lists for licensed professional ethical selling.