Ethical Selling Dentistry-What holidays can teach every dentist about selling

Ethical selling

The holiday season always highlights how the ethical selling process works.

This time of year there’s a lot to learn from all the holiday activity going on around one’s practice. Tons of science at work creating demand and buying.  Is it ethical selling ??

Deadlines, discounts, exclusivity, limited availability, real and perceived scarcity, and list goes on and one.  Two items in particular related to price increases and discounts impact every case month in and month out.  The others ALL belong in any systematic approach to selling designed.  How many are in your selling process? If you do not have one it is time to join the 5% of the dental profession here who systematically bring in new cases regardless of the time of year.

To be honest, most of these tools being wielded to influence human behavior to decide and buy is NOT being done in an ethical manner or to encourage consumers to do good things for themselves.  It does little more than create an “ick” factor for me as a trained observer.

BUT…’s not the science that’s bad it’s in how it’s being used.

You can easily choose to let many of these principles go to work for you as part of an ethical selling process doing good things for people.

I’ll stress the GOOD in that last sentence.  You need to be very proud in the fundamental good things that your services do for consumers/patients versus some similarly priced consumer good that will be forgotten in 10 months. If you want to learn more about my selling process, you can get my #1 selling book on Amazon.