Ethical Selling Dentistry-Sales Training for Dentists

ethical selling dentistry

For many doctors their advanced clinical skills are never fully utilized because they lack ethical selling dentistry sales training! They report not getting the fees they deserve for their cases OR are stuck at a ” case ceiling” limit above which their better and best treatment plans are not accepted as often as they would like.

These common advanced clinician complaints are typically due to the absence of two key things-

#1-no formal ethical selling dentistry sales training for team or doctor and
#2-no step by step repeatable process for selling services that reduces poor patient decision making

Perhaps you are missing one or both of these and have the same complaints as most dentists. If so, then the sales method that I developed and began teaching almost 10 years ago is for you.

Course Summary:   Version 4.0 of the world’s #1 ethical sales training for niche and full fee for service dentistry is available and on trial for $1.00.

This training in The McAnally Selling System and my proven “check-list” protocol for ethical selling dentistry will be taught via video, audio and in writing over 6 sessions with each session spaced one month apart.  “Homework” is assigned for each session.  Additional live Q&A sessions with me and Coach Amber are available monthly.

Economically this ethical selling dentistry training is a very big deal.  Here’s what it routinely does for the four common practice types of doctors who attend:

Practice Type A: For better “hi-tech” procedures being done in practices (It matters not whether a GP or specialist or even the state of insurance in the practice), this System often means a 10-15% improvement in profit on existing patient flow and on existing marketing multiplied by remaining years in practice. (HMO practices routinely see a 20-30% increase.)

Practice Type B: For GPs and Specialists focusing on complex niche cases who have been successful by most standards at “selling”-it means more patients selecting one option better than what you have previously experienced. Example: If you’ve been stuck at $20K cases with patients always turning down the $35K option, you will find more patients selecting one option better.  For these practices, this System means a 25-50% increase in your average big case size.

Practice Type C: For GPs and Specialists focusing on complex niche cases who have had lackluster results at “selling” (unfortunately most dentists with advanced training), it feels like discovering the biggest “secret” in dentistry.  You’ll finally get to experience having patients who need your best services choosing better and even the best option.  They will be happy to pay you for your help and at fees that compensate you for your care, skill, and judgment and will be thankful for the help received.  This System means a 100-500% increase in average case size for those with advanced education who are “newbies” to selling.

Practice Type D: For insurance-heavy practices receiving 50% or more of their revenue from insurance. Even when receiving insurance-mandated fees it’s always preferable from every perspective to  complete the case in as few visits as possible. That means asking insurance patients to dig deep into their pockets to pay for aspects of cases not reimbursed. Success in gaining case acceptance in such cases takes the team sales skills taught in my course. These doctors can use my sales system to double their profits while better serving patients.

No matter which of the above describes you, the economics at stake are too big to be ignored.

Outside of the financial implications, I’ve also observed something wonderfully strange related to this ethical selling dentistry training.  When selling is seriously addressed via this System, doctors not only have financial benefits but many go on to reclaim control of something else–their time. They also report being happier professionally and personally.  Very unintended consequences from the original goals of the training, yet, for some, these outcomes may be the biggest benefit besides more predictable patient behavior. You can read more about ethical selling dentistry in my #1 best selling book on Amazon.