Ethical Selling Dentistry-correctly presenting a case

Ethically Selling Dentistry

In ethical selling dentistry, even though you might be the most advanced skilled clinician, if you don’t know how to present and listen to the patient, you most likely will blow up the acceptance of the case.

If you’re a clinician with advanced niche skills, the clinical questions you ask yourself that lead to an appropriate sequence of diagnostic steps and then a treatment plan are likely documented and followed as a consequence of your education.  You’re trained to do this and you follow a clinical system.  Those clinical systems that you paid a small fortune for prevent faulty actions.

While this is universally accepted for the clinical side of advanced procedures, the questions that involve the patient matter just as much, if not more, than these clinical questions you systematically ask yourself.   Why?  Because ultimately these other questions either augment good decision making by patients considering treatment OR diminish good decision making related to the options you discuss with patients. You can read more about how to overcome these obstacles in my #1 best selling book on Amazon.

To be even more accurate, this (what you do and don’t ask your patients) really only matters if you want to do more cases and actually help more patients.  Thus, if it matters not whether you use your advanced skills more often, then you can stop reading here. 5% of advanced trained clinicians “get” this non-clinical question issue right.  So what’s the 95%’s problem?

Well, it comes down two specific problems that the 95% have which are:

Problem #1 The 95% doesn’t know WHAT questions to ask of their patients that matter to the patient about treatment.

This includes at consults, exams and at case presentations.  This involves not just the patient but also the financial decider on major cases.  This is simply out of ignorance because it’s not taught in any dental school curriculum or in any advanced clinical continuum.  I can attest to this because I’ve personally sat through the best AND our member doctor’s continue to report these same findings from the  major continuum’s. Thus, I have developed a method of ethically selling dentistry which circumvents this issue.

Problem #2 The 95% routinely answer questions that aren’t even asked!

Answering questions that aren’t asked is a way for clinicians to fill awkward silences because they don’t know what to fill those spaces with. So, out of discomfort (and more ignorance) they fill away. What usually gets inserted into silence isn’t helpful and in many instances blows up the case.  The wrong information inserted ultimately can harm patients because it negatively impacts good decision making and the patient now opts for less than ideal treatment (or even no treatment).  Ouch!

Clinical systems prevent most faulty decisions by clinicians and almost all use such.  Yet, 95% don’t use systems to eliminate faulty behavior related to these non-clinical matters.

Ultimately, the only way to fix Problem #1 and #2 is via a selling system that uses a check-list approach so that steps aren’t skipped and so the right questions are asked and silences aren’t filled with inappropriate or too much information.

Dental teams using a check-list approach to selling (check-list = every step defined, documented, spelled-out, and fool-proofed) and are using the ethical selling method are the 5 percenters getting this right, helping more patients, and doing better and more cases.

If you don’t know there’s a financial decider involved with your major cases, write that down as Problem #3. The new McAnally Selling System addresses all the details on how to deal with the financial decider as part of ethical and systematic selling.