100 yearly cases full arch implantsMusic to me and my team’s ears…

“Hello James:  a quick update on the activity of Full Arch =Program this last 2 weeks.  We closed on an U/L AO4 “Medicare” case for $40,000 USD and also on a FMRx full mouth reconstruction $45,000 which came in due to the Program advertising plus my name recognition in newspaper plus the great content you have about my skills at the website.  I find that new patients come in because I am in the public recognition which is a by-product of the AOX advertising.”

One week later:

“Hello Doctor: in the time that I sent the last email, another new patient through Medicare came in and is bringing the check.  This patient is the best of Medicare:  has a anthem blue cross medicare secondary and I will get max payment from medicare (we’ll get $8K-$10K from Medicare) and the patient is paying 30,000. Unbelievable, This is directly related to AO4 program and coming in at a $120,000.00 for the week.

…and less than one week later…

“Hello James: Thank You for the call today.  Enclosed is a ledger from an AO6 case that we’ve started this week.  The pt. paid $40,000 today and the medicare estimate is at $14,000.  So I’m collecting $54,000 for the case.  With all the activity and sign ups I have gotten, I now declare your AO4 program a Grand Slam Home Run!”

For the math challenged, LHS has had a, $174,000 two-week run.

About a week letter, he’s told me he’s considering of stopping some of the ads for a bit while he catches up on the cases.  My team and I love creating this kind of problem.

Late last year, we had several docs with $400K and $500K collection months.  This during a global pandemic.

Jealous of these boogies?

Don’t be.

Join them.  If you engage us for both advertising and let our sales team take your calls and close the cases, you can get there a lot faster than you ever imagined at least to the basic level of an additional 3-5 arches per month.

In one cycle of hygiene recalls (6 months of ads),  you could be doing the same that as LH.

To discuss all of this with Dr. McAnally in a one-on-one consultation session, schedule a time here. (The first session is free!)

Full-Arch Program Testimonials

“James, I’ve realized that after adopting your sales process for the implant cases in my practice that we have been leaving 25-50% of our fees on the table. I wish I had discovered you and your training 20 years ago!”
– Dr. Greg Sawyer, Los Gatos, CA

“The Full Arch Program with Medicare Option has given me the implant practice of my dreams.”
– Dr. F. A. Charlotte, NC