Everyone says, “Medicare doesn’t pay for dentistry…”

…and “everyone” is absolutely correct on this item.

But what “everyone” got 100% wrong is that Medicare will pay for the the repair of radiographically visible bony defects in the jaw structure that are a consequence of bony infections.

Invariably implant patients in terminal dentitions have these very defects and infections visible on radiograph.

Medicare DOES Pay

So, yes, Medicare does pay for this reconstructive oral surgery service; $4K-$6K for the bone repair in each arch. And yes, the patient pays all of the other non-covered dental stuff (meaning restorations) out of pocket.

The catch with this is you need to be a fully trained oral implantologist performing full arch tooth removal, grafting and bone repair, and of course reconstructing the arch.  You also must be trained in documentation related to how the Medicare insurance system works.  The second item is impossible to do on your own but, as you will see in the video, with the help of pros, it’s predictable.

The Medicare Money Program

I’m a believer in showing proof of results.

That very proof (three months of Medicare revenue coming to doctors across our network) can be found with this video:

Medicare Pays for Dental Implants or Bone Repair

To schedule a free discussion time to review your implant case goals which Medicare may or may not be a part of the solution, go click here.